“The word remember (re-member) evokes the coming together of severed parts, fragments becoming whole” – bell hooks
I am interested in concepts that allude to the restoration of things once muted due to the paradoxes in time. These perceptions are summoned through Construction materials, reclaimed literary texts, and textiles; wood, concrete, masonry bricks, iron, and drywall. Materials with inherent geographic histories, processes, and economies imply varying degrees of personalized and public memory.
My work attempts to assemble a visual language that reconciles the process in which the history of this information is recorded, stored, and retrieved. I am interested in the labor inherent in these materials and the shapes taken during their transitions which conjure up invocations, ritual, transcendence of presence, and in many ways “fragments becoming whole.”
Yanira Collado is represented by Emerson Dorsch Gallery, Miami, FL