Elegies, my most recent body of work, focusses on the fragility of human connectedness within the contemporary world’s social and geopolitical domains. The
narratives within Elegies describe inherited memories, pursuits for freedom, and the complexities of place. Interconnected networks overlay fields of clouds—a recurring motif in Elegies that “refers to our dreams, thoughts, and aspirations.” my relational webs reinforce our obligation to one another and to unconditional empathy as a means against indifference. Through my understanding of modern-day diasporas and their extensive consequences, these works question parity among class, race, and beyond, implying that there is more that unites than divides us. I locate these ideas within multilayered and intricate surfaces. Columns of faceless heads quantify both the ambiguity and depth of the human experience, in its recurring beginnings, middles, and ends. These works combine conventional and often atypical materials, placing these narratives within textured, abstracted landscapes. In all, my paintings converge disparate elements to create a visual language through which the world’s darkest proclivities may be brought to light.
Juan Logan
United States