Civilization is not Civil Civilization is not Civil Civilization is not Civil



Joseph Eze(b.1975) completed his art studies in 2002 at the University of Nigeria Nsukka, after which he set up his studio ISINKA, in Lagos Nigeria where he has worked ever since. Over the years, his works have mostly  involved experimentation with varied methods and mediums including conventional and found materials.His works tends to examine,among many others, themes like identity, nostalgia and  stereotype.Apart from several exhibitions including five solo exhibitions, he has participated in art fairs  within and outside Nigeria. His works have been collected by several high profile collectors and organizations such as veteran journalist Ed Gordon , Emmy Nominee actress CCh pounder and The Cash App collections .His works was featured in TEXTURES, a landmark exhibition organized by the KENT STATE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM. His work Construction 7 is currently showing at the Newark Museum  of Art for the Newark Arts Festival Exhibition .