Born in 1968 in Guadeloupe, Francoise lives and works in Marseille, France. After a short period at the École du Louvre (the Louvre School) in Paris in the ’90s, in the year 2000, Françoise Sémiramoth settled in Marseille. In 2021, Francoise completed her first year of her Master’s in Fine Art at the Fine Art School of LYON, France. A multifaceted artist,
her preferred medium is painting, and this has led her to experiment with various mediums. She has exhibited in Arles, Marseille, Paris, Nantes, Angers, Brussels, Dubaï, Cardiff and Guadeloupe. In 2020 she took part in the exhibition “It’s Urgent” curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist at La LUMA Foundation, Arles, France. Her works have been acquired by the Frac Paca; Fonds Régional d’Art.
Françoise Semiramoth in collaborating with the gallery since 2020. Krystel Ann Art exhibited her works in Paris, Lisbon, Miami, Mexico, and Madrid. In 2023, Françoise collaborated to Maryse Condé “white Card” at the MUCEM (Marseille Museum of Contemporary Art ).
Francoise Semiramoth’s work is inspired by figurative and abstract artists such as Bridget Riley, Sol LeWitt, Joseph Alberts, Matisse, and Caravaggio. Françoise is experimenting with colors, Light and Shades. She is transposing the European master codes and esthetics to the Caribbean setting and narrative. For the past years, she has collaborated closely with the renowned writer Maryse Condé (Alternative Nobel Prize of Litterature in 2020, Winner of the Conty Prize in 2022), in particular making small videos and paintings.